Trouble Starting

Trouble Starting or Performing Routine Operations in NCSS 2007, PASS 2008, or GESS 2006

The following does not apply to PASS 11 and NCSS 8 or later.

If you experience software trouble loading or performing routine operations in NCSS 2007, PASS 2008, or GESS 2006 or earlier (e.g. runtime error 50003, a runtime error 7, or an out-of-string space message, or any other message on start up), the problem is likely due to one or more corrupt installation files. Fixing the Problem:
  1. Find the following files in your Windows\System32 Directory (or Windows/SysWOW64 if you are using a 64-bit Windows 7 computer): Csform32.ocx Graphs32.ocx H5ocx32.ocx Vcf132.ocx Vsocx32.ocx
  2. Move each ocx file listed above from the Windows\System32 (or Windows\SysWOW64) directory to another directory of your choice (such as OCX_Backup). Note, you must either move or delete the file since the file will not be replaced unless it is not found in the Windows/System32 (or Windows\SysWOW64) directory. You can accomplish this using your Windows Explorer program.
  3. Re-run the NCSS 2007 or PASS 2008 setup file and choose "Repair" when prompted.
This should take care of your problem.

"I have been using NCSS for almost 20 years. I absolutely love it. It does everything [I need that] SPSS or SAS does, is more reasonably priced and user friendly and has wonderful customer support. If you have a problem, when you call a real person (who created the software) gently talks you through it. It is a great product and a great company."

Cheryl L. Meyer, PhD, Wright State University

NCSS is an excellent tool for clinical and epidemiological research that is both user friendly and economical with excellent support. It removes the "fear of statistics" from clinical research and makes research accessible to all curious clinicians.

Ted Rosenberg, MD MSc. FRCP(C), Clinical Assistant Professor, University of British Columbia