List of Statistical Procedures

This page presents a list of the statistical, graphics, and data analysis procedures available in NCSS. For a more in-depth look at the features of a procedure, please download the free trial of NCSS. Click to see some additional details about regression analysiscomparing means, crosstabs and proportions, mass appraisal, curve fitting, time series and forecasting, clustering, quality control, or survival analysis in NCSS.

You can also see a complete list of all the statistical data analysis tools, procedures, tests, graphics and calculations available in NCSS Statistical Software.
Click here for the alphabetical list.
Click here for the categorized list.

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Analysis Procedures

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

Click here to see additional details about comparing means in NCSS.
  • One-Way Analysis of Variance
  • Box-Cox Transformation for Two or More Groups (T-Test and One-Way ANOVA)
  • Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) with Two Groups
  • One-Way Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA)
  • Balanced Design Analysis of Variance
  • General Linear Models (GLM)
  • General Linear Models (GLM) for Fixed Factors
  • Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance
  • Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA)
  • Analysis of Two-Level Designs
  • Nondetects-Data Group Comparison
  • Area Under Curve


Click here to see additional details about appraisal in NCSS.
  • Appraisal Ratio Studies
  • Hybrid Appraisal Models
  • Comparables Appraisal
  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Descriptive Statistics - Summary Tables
  • Descriptive Statistics - Summary Lists
  • Linear Regression and Correlation
  • Linear Regression and Correlation (Old Version)
  • Multiple Regression for Appraisal
  • Multiple Regression - Basic
  • Multiple Regression
  • Multiple Regression with Serial Correlation
  • Nonlinear Regression
  • Appraisal Ratios (Old Version)
  • Comparables - Sales Price (Old Version)
  • Hybrid Appraisal Models (Old Version)

Cluster Analysis

Click here to see additional details about cluster analysis in NCSS.
  • Fuzzy Clustering
  • Hierarchical Clustering / Dendrograms
  • K-Means Clustering
  • Medoid Partitioning
  • Regression Clustering
  • Clustered Heat Maps (Double Dendrograms)


Click here to see additional details about correlation in NCSS.

Correlation (Pearson, Spearman, Kendall's Tau)

  • Correlation

Correlation and Linear Regression

  • Linear Regression and Correlation
  • Linear Regression and Correlation (Old Version)

Correlation Matrix

  • Correlation Matrix

Point-Biserial and Biserial Correlations

  • Point-Biserial and Biserial Correlations

Box-Cox Transformation for Simple Linear Regression

  • Box-Cox Transformation for Simple Linear Regression

Canonical Correlation

  • Canonical Correlation

Cronbach's Alpha in Item Analysis

  • Item Analysis

Bland-Altman Plot and Analysis

  • Bland-Altman Plot and Analysis

Lin's Concordance Correlation Coefficient

  • Lin's Concordance Correlation Coefficient

Circular Data Correlation

  • Circular Data Correlation

Curve Fitting

Click here to see additional details about curve fitting in NCSS.
  • General (Custom and Preset) Model Fit - Y vs One X
  • Michaelis-Menten Model Fit - Y vs One X
  • Polynomial Model Fit - Y vs One X
  • Polynomial Model Search - Y vs One X
  • Sum of Functions (of X) Model Fit - Y vs One X
  • Fractional Polynomial Regression - Y vs One X
  • Nonlinear Regression
  • Polynomial Model Fit - Y vs Multiple X's
  • Polynomial Model Search - Y vs Multiple X's
  • Curve Fitting - CDF
  • Age-Specific Reference Intervals
  • Function Plots
  • Scatter Plot Matrix for Curve Fitting

Descriptive Statistics

Click here to see additional details about descriptive statistics in NCSS.
  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Descriptive Statistics - Summary Tables
  • Descriptive Statistics - Summary Lists
  • Cluster Randomization - Create Cluster Means Dataset
  • Contingency Tables (Crosstabs / Chi-Square Test)
  • Frequency Tables
  • Box-Cox Transformation
  • Data Screening
  • Data Simulation
  • Grubbs' Outlier Test
  • Normality Tests
  • Area Under Curve
  • Circular Data Analysis
  • Tolerance Intervals
  • Descriptive Statistics - Summary Tables (Old Version)

Design of Experiments

Click here to see additional details about design of experiments in NCSS.
  • Randomization Lists
  • Balanced Incomplete Block Designs
  • Fractional Factorial Designs
  • Latin Square Designs
  • Response Surface Designs
  • Screening Designs
  • Taguchi Designs
  • Two-Level Designs
  • Design Generator
  • D-Optimal Designs
  • Analysis of Two-Level Designs
  • Response Surface Regression

Diagnostic Tests

Click here to see additional details about diagnostic tests in NCSS.
  • Binary Diagnostic Tests - Single Sample
  • Binary Diagnostic Tests - Clustered Samples
  • Binary Diagnostic Tests - Two Independent Samples
  • Binary Diagnostic Tests - Paired Samples
  • One ROC Curve and Cutoff Analysis
  • Comparing Two ROC Curves - Paired Design
  • Comparing Two ROC Curves - Independent Groups Design
  • ROC Curves (Old Version)

Distribution Fitting

Click here to see additional details about distribution fitting in NCSS.

Beta Distribution Fitting

  • Beta Distribution Fitting

Distribution (Weibull) Fitting

  • Distribution (Weibull) Fitting

Gamma Distribution Fitting

  • Gamma Distribution Fitting

Grubbs' Outlier Test

  • Grubbs' Outlier Test

Normality Test

  • Normality Tests

Probability Plots

  • Normal Probability Plots
  • Weibull Probability Plots
  • Chi-Square Probability Plots
  • Exponential Probability Plots
  • Gamma Probability Plots
  • Half-Normal Probability Plots
  • Log-Normal Probability Plots
  • Uniform Probability Plots
  • Probability Plot Comparison


Click here to see additional details about time series and forecasting in NCSS.
  • ARIMA (Box-Jenkins)
  • Automatic ARMA
  • Theoretical ARMA
  • Autocorrelations
  • Cross-Correlations
  • Spectral Analysis
  • Decomposition Forecasting
  • Exponential Smoothing - Horizontal
  • Exponential Smoothing - Trend
  • Exponential Smoothing - Trend / Seasonal
  • Harmonic Regression
  • Analysis of Runs


Click here to see additional details about group-sequential analysis in NCSS.

One Mean

  • Group-Sequential Analysis for One Mean with Known Variance
  • Group-Sequential Non-Inferiority Analysis for One Mean with Known Variance
  • Group-Sequential Superiority by a Margin Analysis for One Mean with Known Variance
  • Group-Sequential T-Tests for One Mean
  • Group-Sequential Non-Inferiority T-Tests for One Mean
  • Group-Sequential Superiority by a Margin T-Tests for One Mean

Two Means

  • Group-Sequential Analysis for Two Means with Known Variances
  • Group-Sequential Non-Inferiority Analysis for Two Means with Known Variances
  • Group-Sequential Superiority by a Margin Analysis for Two Means with Known Variances
  • Group-Sequential T-Tests for Two Means
  • Group-Sequential Non-Inferiority T-Tests for Two Means
  • Group-Sequential Superiority by a Margin T-Tests for Two Means

One Proportion

  • Group-Sequential Analysis for One Proportion
  • Group-Sequential Non-Inferiority Analysis for One Proportion
  • Group-Sequential Superiority by a Margin Analysis for One Proportion

Two Proportions

  • Group-Sequential Analysis for Two Proportions
  • Group-Sequential Non-Inferiority Analysis for Two Proportions
  • Group-Sequential Superiority by a Margin Analysis for Two Proportions

One Hazard Rate

  • Group-Sequential Analysis for One Hazard Rate
  • Group-Sequential Non-Inferiority Analysis for One Hazard Rate
  • Group-Sequential Superiority by a Margin Analysis for One Hazard Rate

Two Hazard Rates

  • Group-Sequential Analysis for Two Hazard Rates
  • Group-Sequential Non-Inferiority Analysis for Two Hazard Rates
  • Group-Sequential Superiority by a Margin Analysis for Two Hazard Rates

One Poisson Rate

  • Group-Sequential Analysis for One Poisson Rate
  • Group-Sequential Non-Inferiority Analysis for One Poisson Rate
  • Group-Sequential Superiority by a Margin Analysis for One Poisson Rate

Two Poisson Rates

  • Group-Sequential Analysis for Two Poisson Rates
  • Group-Sequential Non-Inferiority Analysis for Two Poisson Rates
  • Group-Sequential Superiority by a Margin Analysis for Two Poisson Rates

Item Analysis

Click here to see additional details about item analysis in NCSS.
  • Item Analysis
  • Item Response Analysis


Click here to see additional details about meta-analysis in NCSS.
  • Meta-Analysis of Two Proportions
  • Meta-Analysis of Proportions (Old Version)
  • Meta-Analysis of Correlated Proportions
  • Meta-Analysis of Two Means
  • Meta-Analysis of Means (Old Version)
  • Meta-Analysis of Standardized Mean Differences
  • Meta-Analysis of Hazard Ratios

Method Comparison

Click here to see additional details about method comparison in NCSS.
  • Bland-Altman Plot and Analysis
  • Deming Regression
  • Passing-Bablok Regression for Method Comparison
  • Lin's Concordance Correlation Coefficient
  • Grubbs' Outlier Test
  • Normality Tests

Mixed Models

Click here to see additional details about mixed models in NCSS.
  • Mixed Models - General
  • Mixed Models - No Repeated Measures
  • Mixed Models - Repeated Measures
  • Mixed Models - Random Coefficients

Multivariate Analysis

Click here to see additional details about multivariate analysis in NCSS.
  • Factor Analysis
  • Principal Components Analysis
  • Canonical Correlation
  • Equality of Covariance
  • Discriminant Analysis
  • Hotelling's One-Sample T2
  • Hotelling's Two-Sample T2
  • Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA)
  • Correspondence Analysis
  • Loglinear Models
  • Multidimensional Scaling

Nondetects Data

Click here to see additional details about nondetects data analysis in NCSS.
  • Nondetects-Data Group Comparison
  • Nondetects-Data Regression


Click here to see additional details about nonparametric data analysis in NCSS.

Cochran's Q Test

  • Cochran's Q Test

Conover Equal Variance Test

  • One-Way Analysis of Variance

Cumulative Incidence Curves

  • Cumulative Incidence

Dunn's Test

  • One-Way Analysis of Variance

Dwass-Steel-Critchlow-Fligner Test

  • One-Way Analysis of Variance

Friedman's Rank Test

  • Balanced Design Analysis of Variance

Kaplan-Meier Curves

  • Kaplan-Meier Curves (Logrank Tests)

Kendall's Tau Correlation

  • Correlation
  • Contingency Tables (Crosstabs / Chi-Square Test)

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

  • Two-Sample T-Test
  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Normality Tests
  • Tolerance Intervals

Kruskal-Wallis Test

  • One-Way Analysis of Variance

Logrank Test

  • Kaplan-Meier Curves (Logrank Tests)

Mann-Whitney U or Wilcoxon Rank-Sum Test

  • Two-Sample T-Test
  • Two-Sample T-Test for Non-Inferiority
  • Two-Sample T-Test for Superiority by a Margin
  • Two-Sample T-Test for Equivalence
  • Analysis of 2x2 Cross-Over Designs using T-Tests
  • Analysis of 2x2 Cross-Over Designs using T-Tests for Non-Inferiority
  • Analysis of 2x2 Cross-Over Designs using T-Tests for Superiority by a Margin
  • Analysis of 2x2 Cross-Over Designs using T-Tests for Equivalence

McNemar Test

  • Two Correlated Proportions (McNemar Test)
  • Contingency Tables (Crosstabs / Chi-Square Test)
  • Cochran's Q Test

Nondetects-Data Group Comparison

  • Nondetects-Data Group Comparison

Randomization Tests

  • One-Sample T-Test
  • Paired T-Test
  • Two-Sample T-Test
  • Linear Regression and Correlation
  • Linear Regression and Correlation (Old Version)
  • General (Custom and Preset) Model Fit - Y vs One X
  • Michaelis-Menten Model Fit - Y vs One X
  • Polynomial Model Fit - Y vs One X
  • Curve Fitting - CDF
  • Hotelling's One-Sample T2
  • Hotelling's Two-Sample T2
  • Kaplan-Meier Curves (Logrank Tests)

ROC Curves

  • One ROC Curve and Cutoff Analysis
  • Comparing Two ROC Curves - Paired Design
  • Comparing Two ROC Curves - Independent Groups Design

Runs Tests (Wald-Wolfowitz Runs Test)

  • Analysis of Runs

Sign or Quantile Test

  • One-Sample T-Test
  • Paired T-Test

Spearman-Rank Correlation

  • Correlation
  • Correlation Matrix
  • Linear Regression and Correlation
  • Linear Regression and Correlation (Old Version)

Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test

  • One-Sample T-Test
  • One-Sample T-Test for Non-Inferiority
  • One-Sample T-Test for Superiority by a Margin
  • One-Sample T-Test for Equivalence
  • Paired T-Test
  • Paired T-Test for Non-Inferiority
  • Paired T-Test for Superiority by a Margin
  • Paired T-Test for Equivalence

Operations Research

Click here to see additional details about operations research in NCSS.
  • Linear Programming with Bounds
  • Linear Programming with Tableau
  • Mixed Integer Programming
  • Quadratic Programming
  • Assignment
  • Maximum Flow
  • Minimum Cost Capacitated Flow
  • Minimum Spanning Tree
  • Shortest Route
  • Transportation
  • Transshipment


Click here to see additional details about analysis of proportions and two-way tables in NCSS.

One Proportion

  • One Proportion
  • One Proportion - Non-Inferiority Tests
  • One Proportion - Superiority by a Margin Tests
  • One Proportion - Equivalence Tests
  • Group-Sequential Analysis for One Proportion
  • Group-Sequential Non-Inferiority Analysis for One Proportion
  • Group-Sequential Superiority by a Margin Analysis for One Proportion

Two Independent Proportions

  • Two Proportions
  • Two Proportions - Non-Inferiority Tests
  • Two Proportions - Superiority by a Margin Tests
  • Two Proportions - Equivalence Tests
  • Two Proportions - Two-Sided Tests vs a Margin
  • Group-Sequential Analysis for Two Proportions
  • Group-Sequential Non-Inferiority Analysis for Two Proportions
  • Group-Sequential Superiority by a Margin Analysis for Two Proportions
  • Cluster Randomization - Create Cluster Proportions Dataset
  • Cluster Randomization - Create Cluster Rates Dataset
  • Meta-Analysis of Two Proportions

Two Correlated Proportions

  • Two Correlated Proportions (McNemar Test)
  • Two Correlated Proportions - Non-Inferiority Tests
  • Two Correlated Proportions - Superiority by a Margin Tests
  • Two Correlated Proportions - Equivalence Tests
  • Meta-Analysis of Correlated Proportions

Multiple Proportions and Contingency Tables

  • Contingency Tables (Crosstabs / Chi-Square Test)
  • Frequency Tables
  • Cochran's Q Test
  • Loglinear Models
  • Mantel-Haenszel Test

Quality Control

Click here to see additional details about quality control in NCSS.
  • X-bar and R Charts
  • X-bar and s Charts
  • X-bar Charts
  • R Charts
  • s Charts
  • CUSUM Charts
  • EWMA Charts
  • Moving Average Charts
  • Individuals and Moving Range Charts
  • Levey-Jennings Charts
  • P Charts
  • NP Charts
  • C Charts
  • U Charts
  • Analysis of Runs
  • Capability Analysis
  • Lag Plots
  • Pareto Charts
  • R & R Study
  • Tolerance Intervals
  • Acceptance Sampling for Attributes
  • Operating Characteristic Curves for Acceptance Sampling for Attributes

Reference Intervals

Click here to see additional details about reference intervals in NCSS.
  • Reference Intervals
  • Age-Specific Reference Intervals
  • Robust Linear Regression (Passing-Bablok Median-Slope)
  • Tolerance Intervals


Click here to see additional details about regression in NCSS.

Simple Linear Regression

  • Linear Regression and Correlation
  • Linear Regression and Correlation (Old Version)
  • Box-Cox Transformation for Simple Linear Regression
  • Robust Linear Regression (Passing-Bablok Median-Slope)

Multiple Regression

  • Multiple Regression
  • Multiple Regression - Basic
  • Principal Components Regression
  • Nondetects-Data Regression
  • Response Surface Regression
  • Ridge Regression
  • Robust Regression
  • Multiple Regression for Appraisal
  • Multiple Regression with Serial Correlation
  • Mediation Analysis
  • Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) with Two Groups
  • One-Way Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA)
  • General Linear Models (GLM) for Fixed Factors
  • Multiple Regression (Old Version)

Logistic Regression

  • Logistic Regression
  • Conditional Logistic Regression
  • Discriminant Analysis
  • Probit Analysis
  • Logistic Regression (Old Version)

Cox Regression

  • Cox Regression
  • Parametric Survival (Weibull) Regression
  • Two-Sample Non-Inferiority Tests for Survival Data using Cox Regression
  • Two-Sample Superiority by a Margin Tests for Survival Data using Cox Regression
  • Two-Sample Equivalence Tests for Survival Data using Cox Regression
  • Probit Analysis

Subset Selection

  • All Possible Regressions
  • Stepwise Regression
  • Subset Selection in Multiple Regression
  • Subset Selection in Multivariate Y Multiple Regression
  • Conditional Logistic Regression
  • Cox Regression
  • Discriminant Analysis
  • Geometric Regression
  • Logistic Regression
  • Negative Binomial Regression
  • Poisson Regression

Count Data

  • Poisson Regression
  • Zero-Inflated Poisson Regression
  • Negative Binomial Regression
  • Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial Regression
  • Geometric Regression

Nondetects Data

  • Nondetects-Data Regression

Survival Data

  • Cox Regression
  • Parametric Survival (Weibull) Regression
  • Two-Sample Non-Inferiority Tests for Survival Data using Cox Regression
  • Two-Sample Superiority by a Margin Tests for Survival Data using Cox Regression
  • Two-Sample Equivalence Tests for Survival Data using Cox Regression
  • Probit Analysis

Nonlinear Regression

  • Nonlinear Regression
  • General (Custom and Preset) Model Fit - Y vs One X
  • Michaelis-Menten Model Fit - Y vs One X
  • Polynomial Model Fit - Y vs One X
  • Polynomial Model Search - Y vs One X
  • Sum of Functions (of X) Model Fit - Y vs One X
  • Fractional Polynomial Regression - Y vs One X
  • Polynomial Model Fit - Y vs Multiple X's
  • Polynomial Model Search - Y vs Multiple X's
  • Harmonic Regression
  • Curve Fitting - CDF

Method Comparison

  • Deming Regression
  • Passing-Bablok Regression for Method Comparison

Mediation Analysis

  • Mediation Analysis

Time Series

  • Multiple Regression with Serial Correlation
  • Harmonic Regression

Two-Stage Least Squares

  • Two-Stage Least Squares

ROC Curves

Click here to see additional details about ROC curves in NCSS.
  • One ROC Curve and Cutoff Analysis
  • Comparing Two ROC Curves - Paired Design
  • Comparing Two ROC Curves - Independent Groups Design
  • ROC Curves (Old Version)

Survey Data

Click here to see additional details about survey data analysis in NCSS.
  • Contingency Tables (Crosstabs / Chi-Square Test)
  • Frequency Tables
  • Cochran's Q Test
  • Descriptive Statistics - Summary Tables
  • Descriptive Statistics - Summary Lists
  • Cluster Randomization - Create Cluster Means Dataset
  • Cluster Randomization - Create Cluster Proportions Dataset
  • Cluster Randomization - Create Cluster Rates Dataset
  • Loglinear Models
  • Item Analysis
  • Data Screening
  • Descriptive Statistics - Summary Tables (Old Version)

Survival Analysis / Reliability

  • Cumulative Incidence
  • Kaplan-Meier Curves (Logrank Tests)
  • Life-Table Analysis
  • Cox Regression
  • Parametric Survival (Weibull) Regression
  • Two-Sample Non-Inferiority Tests for Survival Data using Cox Regression
  • Two-Sample Superiority by a Margin Tests for Survival Data using Cox Regression
  • Two-Sample Equivalence Tests for Survival Data using Cox Regression
  • Beta Distribution Fitting
  • Distribution (Weibull) Fitting
  • Gamma Distribution Fitting
  • Group-Sequential Analysis for One Hazard Rate
  • Group-Sequential Non-Inferiority Analysis for One Hazard Rate
  • Group-Sequential Superiority by a Margin Analysis for One Hazard Rate
  • Group-Sequential Analysis for Two Hazard Rates
  • Group-Sequential Non-Inferiority Analysis for Two Hazard Rates
  • Group-Sequential Superiority by a Margin Analysis for Two Hazard Rates
  • Mantel-Haenszel Test
  • Probit Analysis
  • Tolerance Intervals
  • Cluster Randomization - Create Cluster Rates Dataset
  • Survival Parameter Conversion Tool
  • Time Calculator

Time Series

Click here to see additional details about time series and forecasting in NCSS.
  • ARIMA (Box-Jenkins)
  • Automatic ARMA
  • Theoretical ARMA
  • Autocorrelations
  • Cross-Correlations
  • Spectral Analysis
  • Decomposition Forecasting
  • Exponential Smoothing - Horizontal
  • Exponential Smoothing - Trend
  • Exponential Smoothing - Trend / Seasonal
  • Harmonic Regression
  • Analysis of Runs


Click here to see additional details about comparing means in NCSS.

One Sample

  • One-Sample T-Test
  • One-Sample T-Test for Non-Inferiority
  • One-Sample T-Test for Superiority by a Margin
  • One-Sample T-Test for Equivalence
  • Group-Sequential Analysis for One Mean with Known Variance
  • Group-Sequential Non-Inferiority Analysis for One Mean with Known Variance
  • Group-Sequential Superiority by a Margin Analysis for One Mean with Known Variance
  • Group-Sequential T-Tests for One Mean
  • Group-Sequential Non-Inferiority T-Tests for One Mean
  • Group-Sequential Superiority by a Margin T-Tests for One Mean

Paired Samples

  • Paired T-Test
  • Paired T-Test for Non-Inferiority
  • Paired T-Test for Superiority by a Margin
  • Paired T-Test for Equivalence

Two Samples

  • Two-Sample T-Test
  • Two-Sample T-Test from Means and SD's
  • Two-Sample T-Test for Non-Inferiority
  • Two-Sample T-Test for Superiority by a Margin
  • Two-Sample T-Test for Equivalence
  • Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) with Two Groups
  • Box-Cox Transformation for Two or More Groups (T-Test and One-Way ANOVA)
  • Group-Sequential Analysis for Two Means with Known Variances
  • Group-Sequential Non-Inferiority Analysis for Two Means with Known Variances
  • Group-Sequential Superiority by a Margin Analysis for Two Means with Known Variances
  • Group-Sequential T-Tests for Two Means
  • Group-Sequential Non-Inferiority T-Tests for Two Means
  • Group-Sequential Superiority by a Margin T-Tests for Two Means

2x2 Cross-Over Designs

  • Analysis of 2x2 Cross-Over Designs using T-Tests
  • Analysis of 2x2 Cross-Over Designs using T-Tests for Non-Inferiority
  • Analysis of 2x2 Cross-Over Designs using T-Tests for Superiority by a Margin
  • Analysis of 2x2 Cross-Over Designs using T-Tests for Equivalence

Multivariate Analysis

  • Hotelling's One-Sample T2
  • Hotelling's Two-Sample T2

Method Comparison

  • Bland-Altman Plot and Analysis

Two-Level Designs

  • Analysis of Two-Level Designs

Two-Way Tables

Click here to see additional details about analysis of proportions and two-way tables in NCSS.
  • Contingency Tables (Crosstabs / Chi-Square Test)
  • Frequency Tables
  • Cochran's Q Test
  • Loglinear Models
  • Mantel-Haenszel Test

Graphics Procedures

Click here to see additional details and samples of the graphs and plots that are available in NCSS.

Bar Charts

  • Bar Charts
  • Bar Charts (2 Factors)
  • 3D Bar Charts
  • 3D Bar Charts (2 Factors)
  • Pareto Charts

Bland-Altman Plots

  • Bland-Altman Plot and Analysis

Box Plots

  • Box Plots
  • Box Plots (2 Factors)
  • Combo Charts
  • Combo Charts (2 Factors)
  • Violin Plots
  • Violin Plots (2 Factors)

Circular Data Plots

Circular Histograms

  • Circular Data Analysis

Rose Plots

  • Circular Data Analysis

Pie Charts

  • Pie Charts

Contour Plots

  • Contour Plots
  • 3D Surface Plots
  • Response Surface Regression

Curve Fitting

Click here to see additional details about curve fitting in NCSS.
  • General (Custom and Preset) Model Fit - Y vs One X
  • Michaelis-Menten Model Fit - Y vs One X
  • Polynomial Model Fit - Y vs One X
  • Curve Fitting - CDF
  • Scatter Plot Matrix for Curve Fitting
  • Function Plots


  • Hierarchical Clustering / Dendrograms
  • Clustered Heat Maps (Double Dendrograms)

Density Plots

  • Density Plots
  • Density Plots (2 Factors)
  • Combo Charts
  • Combo Charts (2 Factors)
  • Violin Plots
  • Violin Plots (2 Factors)

Dot Plots

  • Dot Plots
  • Dot Plots (2 Factors)
  • Combo Charts
  • Combo Charts (2 Factors)
  • Violin Plots
  • Violin Plots (2 Factors)

Error-Bar Charts

  • Error-Bar Charts
  • Error-Bar Charts (2 Factors)
  • Error-Bar Charts from Summary Data
  • Error-Bar Charts from Summary Data (2 Factors)
  • Scatter Plots with Error Bars
  • Scatter Plots with Error Bars from Summary Data
  • Combo Charts
  • Combo Charts (2 Factors)
  • Violin Plots
  • Violin Plots (2 Factors)


Click here to see additional details about time series and forecasting in NCSS.

Autocorrelation Plots

  • Autocorrelations
  • ARIMA (Box-Jenkins)
  • Automatic ARMA
  • Theoretical ARMA

Cross-Correlation Plots

  • Cross-Correlations

Data Plots

  • Autocorrelations
  • Cross-Correlations
  • Spectral Analysis
  • Theoretical ARMA

Decomposition Ratio Plots

  • Decomposition Forecasting

Forecast Plots

  • ARIMA (Box-Jenkins)
  • Automatic ARMA
  • Decomposition Forecasting
  • Exponential Smoothing - Horizontal
  • Exponential Smoothing - Trend
  • Exponential Smoothing - Trend / Seasonal

Lag Plots

  • Lag Plots

Partial Autocorrelation Plots

  • Autocorrelations


  • Spectral Analysis

Runs Charts

  • Analysis of Runs

Serial Correlation Plots

  • Linear Regression and Correlation
  • Linear Regression and Correlation (Old Version)
  • Multiple Regression
  • Multiple Regression - Basic
  • Multiple Regression with Serial Correlation
  • Robust Regression
  • Subset Selection in Multiple Regression

Spectrum Plots

  • Spectral Analysis
  • Theoretical ARMA

Forest Plots

  • Meta-Analysis of Two Proportions
  • Meta-Analysis of Proportions (Old Version)
  • Meta-Analysis of Correlated Proportions
  • Meta-Analysis of Two Means
  • Meta-Analysis of Means (Old Version)
  • Meta-Analysis of Standardized Mean Differences
  • Meta-Analysis of Hazard Ratios

Function Plots

  • Function Plots

Funnel Plots

  • Meta-Analysis of Two Proportions
  • Meta-Analysis of Two Means
  • Meta-Analysis of Standardized Mean Differences

Heat Maps

  • Clustered Heat Maps (Double Dendrograms)
  • Correlation Matrix
  • 3D Surface Plots
  • Contour Plots


  • Histograms
  • Histograms - Comparative
  • Histograms - Comparative (2 Factors)
  • Combo Charts
  • Combo Charts (2 Factors)
  • Circular Data Analysis
  • Capability Analysis
  • Violin Plots
  • Violin Plots (2 Factors)

Kaplan-Meier Curves (Survival)

Click here to see additional details about survival analysis and reliability in NCSS.
  • Kaplan-Meier Curves (Logrank Tests)

Line Charts

  • Line Charts
  • Line Charts (2 Factors)
  • 3D Line Charts
  • 3D Line Charts (2 Factors)

Mosaic Plots

  • Mosaic Plots

Percentile Plots

  • Percentile Plots
  • Percentile Plots (2 Factors)
  • Combo Charts
  • Combo Charts (2 Factors)
  • Violin Plots
  • Violin Plots (2 Factors)

Pie Charts

  • Pie Charts

Probability Plots

  • Normal Probability Plots
  • Weibull Probability Plots
  • Chi-Square Probability Plots
  • Exponential Probability Plots
  • Gamma Probability Plots
  • Half-Normal Probability Plots
  • Log-Normal Probability Plots
  • Uniform Probability Plots
  • Probability Plot Comparison

Quality Control Charts

Click here to see additional details about quality control in NCSS.
  • X-bar and R Charts
  • X-bar and s Charts
  • X-bar Charts
  • R Charts
  • s Charts
  • CUSUM Charts
  • Moving Average Charts
  • EWMA Charts
  • Individuals and Moving Range Charts
  • Levey-Jennings Charts
  • P Charts
  • NP Charts
  • C Charts
  • U Charts
  • Lag Plots
  • Pareto Charts
  • Capability Analysis
  • Analysis of Runs

ROC Curves

Click here to see additional details about ROC curves in NCSS.
  • One ROC Curve and Cutoff Analysis
  • Comparing Two ROC Curves - Paired Design
  • Comparing Two ROC Curves - Independent Groups Design
  • ROC Curves (Old Version)

Scatter Plots

  • Scatter Plots
  • 3D Scatter Plots
  • Scatter Plots with Error Bars
  • Scatter Plots with Error Bars from Summary Data
  • Scatter Plot Matrix
  • Scatter Plot Matrix for Curve Fitting
  • Lag Plots

Stem-and-Leaf Plots

  • Stem-and-Leaf Plots
  • Back-to-Back Stem-and-Leaf Plots

Surface Plots

  • 3D Surface Plots
  • Contour Plots
  • Response Surface Regression

Time Series

Click here to see additional details about time series and forecasting in NCSS.

Autocorrelation Plots

  • Autocorrelations
  • ARIMA (Box-Jenkins)
  • Automatic ARMA
  • Theoretical ARMA

Cross-Correlation Plots

  • Cross-Correlations

Data Plots

  • Autocorrelations
  • Cross-Correlations
  • Spectral Analysis
  • Theoretical ARMA

Decomposition Ratio Plots

  • Decomposition Forecasting

Forecast Plots

  • ARIMA (Box-Jenkins)
  • Automatic ARMA
  • Decomposition Forecasting
  • Exponential Smoothing - Horizontal
  • Exponential Smoothing - Trend
  • Exponential Smoothing - Trend / Seasonal

Lag Plots

  • Lag Plots

Partial Autocorrelation Plots

  • Autocorrelations


  • Spectral Analysis

Runs Charts

  • Analysis of Runs

Serial Correlation Plots

  • Linear Regression and Correlation
  • Linear Regression and Correlation (Old Version)
  • Multiple Regression
  • Multiple Regression - Basic
  • Multiple Regression with Serial Correlation
  • Robust Regression
  • Subset Selection in Multiple Regression

Spectrum Plots

  • Spectral Analysis
  • Theoretical ARMA

Violin Plots

  • Violin Plots
  • Violin Plots (2 Factors)

3D Plots

  • 3D Scatter Plots
  • 3D Surface Plots
  • 3D Bar Charts
  • 3D Bar Charts (2 Factors)
  • 3D Line Charts
  • 3D Line Charts (2 Factors)

Data Operations and Procedures


  • Data Window
  • Importing Data
  • Exporting Data
  • Exporting Data to R
  • Filters
  • Transformations
  • Data Entry and Search
  • Stacking Data
  • Unstacking Data
  • Creating Contrast Variables


  • Box-Cox Transformation
  • Box-Cox Transformation for Two or More Groups (T-Test and One-Way ANOVA)
  • Box-Cox Transformation for Simple Linear Regression
  • Data Entry and Search Tool
  • Data List
  • Data Screening
  • Grubbs' Outlier Test
  • Data Simulation
  • Data Matching - Greedy
  • Data Matching - Optimal
  • Data Stratification
  • Descriptive Statistics - Summary Lists
  • Cluster Randomization - Create Cluster Means Dataset
  • Cluster Randomization - Create Cluster Proportions Dataset
  • Cluster Randomization - Create Cluster Rates Dataset
  • Time Calculator
  • Simple Random Sampling
  • Stratified Random Sampling
  • Simple Random Sampling with Group Assignment
  • Stratified Random Sampling with Group Assignment
  • Randomization Lists
  • Merging Two Datasets
  • Exporting Data to R



  • Probability Calculator
  • Chi-Square Effect Size Calculator
  • Odds Ratio and Proportions Calculator
  • Standard Deviation Calculator
  • Survival Parameter Conversion Tool


  • Macros

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"I had been using [another statistical software package] for over 15 years until recently when I noticed it would not run ANOVAs correctly. After researching numerous options I switched to NCSS and PASS and couldn't be happier. Your product is accurate, fast, easy to use, and very inexpensive. And thanks to the software’s flexibility in reporting and graphing, it has made my consulting business easier as well. Thank you!"

Ken Hansen, M.S., Mechanical Engineer and Applied Statistician

"I purchased NCSS last week and have been extremely impressed with the product so far. The documentation is superb... Especially strong is the importing of files from Excel and other statistics programs..."

Gary Brager, Baltimore County Public Schools