NCSS 10 Update

Use the button(s) below to download the NCSS 10 installation file. If NCSS 10 is not yet installed on your computer, this will install the full bundle. If you already have NCSS 10 statistical analysis software installed, this will update your current installation to the newest version. Your personal files will not be affected.

NCSS 10 Download (Recommended)

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File: NCSS10Setup_v10_0_19.exe
Size: 92.53 MB
Current Version: 10.0.19
Released: May 23, 2019

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NCSS 10 64-bit Download

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File: NCSS10Setup_x64_v10_0_19.exe
Size: 93.26 MB

Update Release Notes

Version: 10.0.19

Released: May 23, 2019

1. Corrected an error in the Unstack Data tool that caused the labels to appear incorrectly with the unstacked data in some cases.

2. This is the final update to NCSS 10.

Version: 10.0.18

Released: February 8, 2019

1. Fixed “Out of Memory” error when finding and replacing data in very large data files.

Version: 10.0.17

Released: November 1, 2018

1. Corrected error in Two Proportions procedures. Some of the hypothesis test values were incorrect when entering multiple Outcome Variables in a single run.

Version: 10.0.16

Released: August 17, 2018

1. Corrected “Subscript out of range” and other errors in the curve fitting procedures that occurs when the data has a large percentage of missing values.

Version: 10.0.15

Released: May 25, 2018

1. Corrected an error that caused the software to stop opening, importing, or saving data files after having opened or imported a file with a ";" character in the file name. Accessing files with a ";" character in the file name no longer causes problems.

Version: 10.0.14

Released: February 16, 2017

1. Fixed an error in the Ratio of Polynomials Search - One Variable procedure. Searches that involved data transformations or that involved filtered dataset were not calculating R-squared values correctly."

2. Added options for modifying the calculations for stored LOESS values in the Linear Regression and Correlation procedure.

3. Fixed an unhandled exception that happened whenever the user clicks on the “GoTo” button in the Column Info table long view to quickly navigate to a specific column in the data table.

4. Fixed an error in the MANOVA procedure. Rows with missing values were not being removed correctly.

Version: 10.0.13

Released: November 3, 2016

1. Fixed error in Curve Fitting - General procedure when using the 64-bit version. Users experienced and “Overflow” error when requesting the function plot in some rare cases. The error did not affect the 32-bit version.

2. Corrected problems with the Levey-Jennings Charts procedure. The options under Specify Rows in Charts had no effect on the output.

3. Fixed rare import problem that affected import of some NCSS 2007 .s0 files causing the import to fail.

4. Fixed "Overflow" error stemming from the Assumptions report in the One-Way ANOVA procedure that occurred only with very large datasets.

Version: 10.0.12

Released: May 6, 2016

1. Corrected a problem in the Logistic Regression routine. The "Act vs Pred R2" statistic in the Response Analysis Report was incorrect when extra data was added to the bottom of the dataset which had missing Y values.

2. Corrected Two Proportions - Equivalence Tests null hypothesis statement in the output. The direction of the second null inequality was incorrect. The direction of the second null inequality in the hypothesis statement was also corrected in the documentation.

3. Corrected Two Correlated Proportions - Equivalence Tests null hypothesis statement in the documentation.

4. Fixed rare problem with export function. Incorrectly specified value labels were causing the export to fail, even when they were not exported. Incorrectly specified value labels are now skipped during export.

5. Fixes problem with histograms. The Tolerance Interval, Descriptive Statistics, and Normality Tests procedures were not producing the correct histogram when a Frequency Variable was used.

Version: 10.0.11

Released: January 5, 2016

1. Fixed calculation of odds ratios in all four Two Correlated Proportions procedures. The odds ratio displayed on the procedure window and in the Proportions Analysis report were not calculated correctly. The Confidence Intervals of the Odds Ratio (O1/O2) report had the correct odds ratio value and confidence interval bounds.

2. Fixed Crosstabs procedure when using Summary Table input. Spaces were being treated as zeros. They should have been ignored.

3. Fixed “Overflow” error in Circular Data Analysis procedure that occurs with large sample sizes.

4. Fixed problem in Two Proportions procedures where exact tests and confidence intervals were being computed even though they weren’t requested. This resulted in long run times for large sample sizes.

5. Fixed errors in the description of Tukey's Lambda distribution in the Data Simulation chapter.

Version: 10.0.10

Released: November 12, 2015

1. Fixed problem on computers with language set to “Thai.” The software was not recognizing valid license keys with an expiration date.

2. Removed maximum row restrictions from Medoid Clustering (was 1000 rows) and Hierarchical Clustering/Dendrograms (was 2000 rows) procedures.

Version: 10.0.9

Released: October 15, 2015

1. Fixed the Martinez-Iglewicz test in the Normality Tests procedure. The test value was being computed incorrectly.

2. Increased free trial period to 30 days.

Version: 10.0.8

Released: September 16, 2015

1. The Individuals Chart in the Individuals and Moving Range Charts procedure was only allowing four of the lines to be shown. The procedure was modified to include the options for Trend Line, Secondary Limits, Zone Limits, and Spec Limits.

2. Corrects "Unhandled exception" error that references the path "...\NCSS 10\Temp\txjunk_Image" that occurs in rare instances on shutdown.

3. Improves overall appearance for High-DPI display on Windows 10 machines. The software was corrected so that text no longer appears fuzzy.

Version: 10.0.7

Released: July 22, 2015

1. Fixed error in K-Means Clustering report. Means and Standard Deviations Reports contained incorrect cluster counts when the dataset contained missing values.

2. Fixed error in K-Means Clustering application of the Percent Missing input option. The option was not being applied correctly to the data, and rows with too many missing values were being allowed into the analysis in some cases.

3. Fixed “Out of Memory” error in Deming Regression for moderately large datasets.

4. Fixed error in Crosstabs procedure. Some output items were not correct for tables containing rows or columns with all zeros when using break variables.

5. Fixed “Overflow” error in plots with extremely large axis values.

6. Fixed problem when importing delimited text files with missing column headings. Columns without headings after the last column with a heading were not being imported.

7. Fixed Anderson-Darling Test with large sample sizes. A p-value of 1.000 was reported for very large test statistics when it should have been 0.000.

8. Fixed various minor documentation typos and omissions.

Version: 10.0.6

Released: May 7, 2015

1. Fixed a problem with copying output containing text and images. When pasted in 3rd party software like Microsoft Word, only a reference to the image was assigned. When NCSS was closed the images would disappear from the saved Word file.

2. Fixes a problem with the data table. Pressing the right (or left) arrow key after typing data in a cell did not advance to the next (or previous) cell.

Version: 10.0.5

Released: February 20, 2015

1. Fixed rare export problem. Certain uncommon characters were causing a problem with the export.

2. Corrected a problem with Text transformations. Leading zeros in text values were being discarded before the transformations were carried out.

3. Fixed a language issue related to the reading of simulation distributions. Mixed distributions are now parsed and read correctly for non-English language settings.

Version: 10.0.4

Released: February 7, 2015

1. Fixed the filter editing tool that allows you to add additional values to a list. Spaces were being removed by the tool (e.g. Typing “My New Value” was incorrectly returning “MyNewValue”).

2. Fixed a problem with the Find/Replace tool. The find function was going very slow for large datasets and causing the program to become non-responsive.

3. Fixed a problem with the Paste function when the amount of data on the clipboard is large. In some cases, the paste process would cause the program to become non-responsive.

4. Fixed a problem that occurred when the computer language setting (e.g. Spanish, Colombia) uses a comma as both the decimal separator and the list separator. This caused several data table issues with filters, transformations, procedures, etc.

5. Minor documentation corrections in the One-Way ANOVA procedure.

Version: 10.0.3

Released: January 27, 2015

1. Fixed problem with Appraisal Ratios report. The report was not formatting correctly with >12 columns.

2. Fixed Proportion Trend Test reports in the Contingency Tables procedure. Variance values were reported instead of SE values as indicated in the column heading. The tests were still performed correctly.

3. Fixed minor documentation errors in the Bland-Altman Plot and Analysis procedure.

4. Fixed errors when exporting NCSS 97-2007 Spreadsheet (*.S0) files. Long transformation were truncated and value labels were not exported correctly.

5. Reference Intervals for Clinical and Lab Medicine procedure updated with additional report items. The Response model, the SD of Response model, and the Z-score model are all now written out to the report as equations.

Version: 10.0.2

Released: January 14, 2015

1. Reference Intervals for Clinical and Lab Medicine procedure updated with additional model search capability.

2. Other minor fixes.

Version: 10.0.1

Released: January 2, 2015

1. Initial Release of NCSS 10.

"I really love this version of NCSS and as teacher and researcher in a medical field I can say there aren't many things I miss in it... The help system is another strong feature; the transformations interface is one of my favorites as well."

Dr. Adrian Buzea

NCSS is an excellent tool for clinical and epidemiological research that is both user friendly and economical with excellent support. It removes the "fear of statistics" from clinical research and makes research accessible to all curious clinicians.

Ted Rosenberg, MD MSc. FRCP(C), Clinical Assistant Professor, University of British Columbia