NCSS 2019 Update
Use the button(s) below to download the NCSS 2019 installation file. If NCSS 2019 is not yet installed on your computer, this will install the full version. If you already have NCSS 2019 statistical analysis software installed, this will update your current installation to the newest version. Your personal files will not be affected.NCSS 2019 Download (Recommended)
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File: NCSS2019Setup_v19_0_9.exe
Size: 131.11 MB
Current Version: 19.0.9
Released: January 20, 2022
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NCSS 2019 64-bit Download
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File: NCSS2019Setup_x64_v19_0_9.exe
Size: 132.31 MB
Update Release Notes
This page lists the changes that have been made to NCSS 2019 since it was released.
Version: 19.0.9
Released: January 20, 2022
1. Corrected an error that caused the text in some single-value dropdown inputs on the Procedure Window not to be read correctly after selecting an item from the dropdown list.
2. Corrected an error in the Data Unstack Tool. For large datasets, the process would run out of memory and terminate without unstacking the data. This has been fixed so that large datasets will unstack.
3. Corrected an issue with graphics dropdown buttons when using Windows 11. Dropdown buttons on plot format windows would display two images (one slightly offset from the other).
4. With this update, NCSS 2019 is considered to be fully compatible with Windows 11.
5. This is the final update to NCSS 2019.
Version: 19.0.8
Released: August 30, 2021
1. Corrected an error that occurred when parsing user-entered TO BY lists (e.g., "-2 to 2 by 0.1"). In some cases, rounding errors were causing unexpected results.
2. Corrected a rare error in the Descriptive Statistics – Summary Tables procedure when a group variable with Data Type = Text had been specified. If the data contains leading special characters (e.g. \, ., /, etc.) or a mix of upper- and lower-case characters, the summary tables would not display correctly.
3. Corrected an error when using power transformations with negative data and negative exponents. NCSS now calculates results for more exponents and correct results for some integer exponents that were not being applied correctly (e.g., -2, -3).
4. Corrected an error in the Repeated Measures ANOVA and GLM ANOVA means output when values were equal to zero with Count = 1. The software would report a very small mean (1E-14) in place of zero because of computer rounding error.
5. Corrected an error in the Correlation Matrix procedure when creating a heat map with only 2 variables. The software would return a “Column1 is constant and must be removed” error when creating the heat map.
6. Corrected “Unhandled exception…” errors that occurred when opening PASS procedures in Windows 10 when the Microsoft Region language option Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support is active. (To determine if the option is active on your computer, see the steps below.)
Having the Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support option active leads to other errors when using NCSS (known to adversely affect data import and plot display in some cases, at the very least). We recommend that the option be disabled when using NCSS.
To disable this option in Windows 10, perform the following steps with administrator rights on your computer:
1. Close all open documents and programs on your computer.
2. Press the Windows key.
3. Type “Settings.”
4. Select Time & Language.
5. Click Language.
6. Under Related settings, click Administrative language settings.
7. On the Region window, click the Administrative tab.
8. Click Change system locale. (Here you will need administrator rights.)
9. Clear the Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support checkbox.
10. Click OK.
11. Restart your computer.
Version: 19.0.7
Released: February 17, 2021
1. Corrected a “Subscript out of range” error in the R & R Study procedure. The error would occur if Data Plots was selected with only one Measurement Variable specified.
2. Various minor documentation updates.
Version: 19.0.6
Released: August 28, 2020
1. Corrected the Multiple Comparison’s using the McNemar Test report in the Cochran’s Q procedure. In some cases the binomial exact prob level was lower than it should have been.
2. Corrected an issue with the Y-Axis title Two-Factor Chart procedures when only plotting one factor. An appropriate value is now substituted for {Y} when a two-factor chart is created with only one factor.
3. Corrected a rarely occurring error that affected scatterplots with line segments drawn. In some cases, the plot would generate an “overflow” error. This has been fixed.
4. Corrected the label on the selection popup when inserting columns. The message indicated that columns were to be deleted instead of inserted.
5. Corrected a “subscript out of range” error in the Hierarchical Clustering / Dendrograms and Clustered Heat Maps (Double Dendrograms) procedures that occurred in some cases when applying a filter.
Version: 19.0.5
Released: May 22, 2020
1. Corrected a rare issue that occurred with procedures that contain a checked list box input (e.g. Descriptive Statistics – Summary Tables) after changing the computer’s language setting. Changing the language setting would cause the program to crash after launching the procedure.
2. Corrected an error in the One-Sample, Paired, and Two-Sample T-Tests procedures. The output page title was not being printed when the bootstrap report was at the top of a new page. Calculations were not affected.
3. Corrected an error in the Michaelis-Menten Equation procedure that caused the Individual Function Plots not to appear in the output.
4. Corrected an issue when importing and exporting delimited files (.csv, .txt) with text enclosed in double quotes. The importer and exporter now correctly handles text within quotes.
5. Corrected an error when importing Fixed Width Text Files using the Import Wizard. In rare cases the data would not import correctly if the user clicked “Finish” before proceeding all the way through the wizard.
6. Corrected an issue in the Correlation Matrix procedure that caused the procedure to use Row-Wise missing value deletion when Pair-Wise was selected in some cases. Similar issues in the PCA and Factor Analysis procedures were also corrected.
7. Fixed a rare issue in the Binary Diagnostic Tests – Clustered Samples procedure. For the test of Sensitivity & Specificity, when the variance of the difference is negative or zero, the z-value and prob level were output as zero when they should have been blank.
8. Corrected an error in the Confounding/Alias Section of the Analysis of Two-Level Designs output. The Term No. was not listed correctly.
Version: 19.0.4
Released: February 11, 2020
1. Corrected issues with storage in the Meta-Analysis of Proportions and Meta-Analysis of Correlation Proportions procedures. The SE’s for Ratio and Odds Ratio are computed on the log scale and are not defined on the original scale. The options to store the SE’s should not have been available. These options have been removed.
2. Corrected the labels of the Limits of Agreement lines to display the correct multiplier in the Bland-Altman Plots and Analysis procedure.
3. Corrected an error in the Bland-Altman Plot and Analysis procedure. The Bland-Altman Plot checkbox for Data Input Type 3 was not being read. Instead, the Bland-Altman Plot for Data Input Type 3 was tied to the checkbox for Data Input Type 1. This has been corrected.
4. Corrected errors in the Cochran-Armitage Tests for Trend in Proportions located in the Contingency Tables procedure. When the dose levels were entered as rows in the table, the statement about what hypothesis is being tested was incorrect and numeric dose levels were not read in correctly for calculation.
5. Fixed a "subscript out of range" error that happened in some cases as a result of selecting to output the heat map in the Correlation Matrix procedure.
Version: 19.0.3
Released: October 25, 2019
1. Corrected an error in the Distribution (Weibull) Fitting procedure. When fitting the Lognormal and Log10normal distributions, the resulting scale and shape estimates were switched in the Parameter Estimation Report and the Variance-Covariance Matrix Report. All other lognormal calculations (including hazard and reliability estimates) were not affected by this error.
2. Corrected an issue in displaying value labels for text values with trailing spaces.
3. Fixed a “Subscript out of range” error in the Item Response Analysis procedure that occurred when the Answer Variable values are not properly aligned with the Item Variables.
Version: 19.0.2
Released: May 24, 2019
1. Added the ability for the software to periodically check online for updates and notify the user when an update is available. This new capability is controlled through System Options.
2. Corrected error in Two-Sample Non-Inferiority, Superiority, and Equivalence Tests for Survival Data using Cox Regression procedures that occurred when using adjustment for Numeric X’s. The hypotheses were stated incorrectly in the output when numeric covariates were added.
3. Fixed typo for standardized regression coefficient formula in Principal Components Regression documentation, page 340-12.
Version: 19.0.1
Released: March 23, 2019
1. Initial Release of NCSS 2019.