
NCSS statistical and graphics software is an superb tool for teaching statistics and research methods.

Learning Statistical Methods using NCSS

We at NCSS have put a great deal of effort into making NCSS software very easy to use, while maintaining a comprehensive set of tools for analysis, research, and data visualization. Students using NCSS can focus on statistical training rather than focusing on learning difficult-to-use software. Aspects of NCSS that make it the perfect choice for teaching and learning statistics include:

Easy-to-Use Interface

The point-and-click interface is perfect for students learning beginning or advanced statistical techniques. Column-selection, options, reports, and plots are all specified with one or two intuitive clicks. We often hear from users of the software that NCSS is by far the easiest-to-use statistical software they have encountered.

Low Cost

The cost of NCSS for individual students, classes, lab computers, and instructors is very, very affordable. We have sought to price the software in a manner that is cost-effective for students of all levels.

Training Videos

An expanding series of training videos is always available online for free. Each video contains a carefully thought out discussion of a specific topic, so students won't have to spend an inordinate amount of time searching for answers in the video. Some examples of videos are Filters, Getting Started, Two-Sample T-Tests, Transformations, Contingency Tables, and much more.

Intuitive Data Window

The data window is an intuitive, column-based spreadsheet with straightforward filters, transformations, labels, and formats. Data can easily be opened, imported, copied-and-pasted, or entered directly. Watch a brief video about the data window by clicking here.

Help System

The Help system can be accessed from any window in the software by clicking the help icon in the top right corner. The PDF documentation will open to the topic of that window. The documentation contains tutorials, examples, annotated output, references, formulas, and complete instructions on each procedure.

User-friendly Graphics

NCSS has a large collection of tools for plots, charts, and graphs. These graphics procedures offer extensive flexibility to get your graph to look just as you want it, while still maintaining ease-of-use and intuitiveness. Videos providing details of individual aspects of graphing in NCSS are available for free at our website.


NCSS educational prices for degree-seeking students, classes, student labs, and instructors are very economical. Typically, the instructor licenses are free when licenses are purchased for a class. Please contact us for licensing costs for individual students, classes, or labs. Information about purchasing whole department or whole institution annual licenses can be viewed by clicking here.

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"Your [PASS] routines are flexible and easy to use and your customer service and support is A-double-plus."

Nayak Polissar, PhD

Your support is always amazing. I also run [another statistical software package] and on a support / admin basis you guys are way ahead.

Neale Penman, Researcher