In this session, we will discuss titles and labels in NCSS plots.
We will use the scatter plot format window as an example representing all NCSS plots with titles and labels. The scatter plot format window is opened by clicking the plot format button of the scatter plots procedure, or, on the plots tab of any other procedures that provide a scatter plot, such as the regression procedures.
On the titles tab, up to eight plot titles may be specified, two for each side of the plot. The text of each title may be entered directly, or, for most of the plots, replacement codes may be used. Replacement codes are letters enclosed in braces that are replaced by the corresponding text when the procedure is run and the plot is produced. For most plots, the letter ‘T’ enclosed in braces gives an appropriate title for the plot. Other replacement codes are specific to the type of plot that is used. For example, in the scatter plot, ‘Y’ enclosed in braces is replaced with the vertical variable’s name; and ‘X’ enclosed in braces is replaced with the horizontal variable’s name.
You can press the font button to change the title’s font color, size, name, and style, as well as the text transparency.
The layout window gives control of the text alignment and margins, and allows you to shift the title text a designated number of pixels in any direction.
The axis labels are specified on the corresponding axis tab. Each axis label can appear on one or the other or both sides of the plot. The axis labels behave in the same manner as do the titles. Replacement codes can be used to bring in variable names. The fonts can be individually adjusted. And you can add margins or shift the labels in any direction. Additionally, the labels on the left and right sides can be rotated to the horizontal or vertical directions.
This concludes our discussion of the titles and labels in NCSS plots.