In this tutorial we’ll show you how to create and interactively view a 3D Scatter Plot in NCSS. As an example, we’ll create a plot using the Fisher example dataset that is installed with the software. First, load the 3D Scatter Plot procedure from the menu and click Reset to set all settings to their default values. Let’s plot SepalLength on the X axis , SepalWidth on the Y Axis , and PetalLength on the Z axis , with Iris as a grouping variable . Let’s display value labels on the plot as well. Finally, check the Edit During Run box to bring up the plot for interactive editing while the procedure is running.
Now that the input form is filled out, click the Run button to generate the plot. The 3D Scatter Plot format window will appear with our actual data loaded in the plot.
We can add and remove point labels and reference lines with just the click of the mouse.
We can also change various three dimensional aspects of the plot. Left-click on the plot and drag your mouse to change the 3D orientation interactively.
We’ll now enlarge the plot so that we can take a better look. Using the 3D Plot Preview window we can start the plot spinning so that we can get a better view from different angles. Use the options on the window to change the speed and rotate the plot in different directions. Let’s reset the 3D layout, hide the walls, and center the axes. Now, we’ll start it rotating again around the Y-axis. Click and drag the mouse to change orientation while it rotates. As it rotates, we can change any of the plot options on the plot preview window or even back on the 3D plot format window. At any time we can stop the rotation. Once we’re finished viewing the plot, close the preview window and click OK on the format window to generate the graph in the output. Notice that the plot appears in the output exactly as it did in the format window. Once the plot is in the output, however, it can no longer be edited. If you want to change it, you’ll need to re-run the procedure.