NCSS 2007 Update (Version 1)
Existing customers who own a license to NCSS 2007 may download and install this file to update to the latest release of the software (Version 1). If NCSS 2007 is already installed on your computer, you may be asked to uninstall the previous version before installing this new version. Select "Yes" to proceed with the update. Your personal files will not be affected. In this version, NCSS 2007 has been split from PASS. If you currently use the NCSS-PASS combined version of NCSS 2007 (Version 0), this new version will install along-side the combined version. We recommend that you install this version, allow the program to copy your personal settings and data files during the first run of the new version, and then uninstall the previous version. This new version has two important new features:- The Data, Settings, Junk, Macros, and Reports folders have been moved to your "My Documents" folder to make NCSS 2007 fully-functional in a limited or standard user environment. These folders all used to be found in the program installation directory (usually \Program Files).
- In this version, NCSS 2007 is completely separated from PASS, saving valuable disk space for users not interested in PASS. You are also given the option during the setup process to install GESS (Gene Expression Statistical System for Microarrays). This reduces the space required on your hard drive for installation if you do not need the microarray add-on.
NCSS 2007 (Version 1) Download
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File: NCSS2007Setup.exe
Size: 71.1 MB
Current Version: 07.1.21
Released: June 1, 2011
Click here for minimum System Requirements
Update Release Notes
This page lists the changes that have been made to NCSS 2007 since February 14, 2007.
Version: 07.1.21
Released: June 1, 2011
1. NCSS 2007 updated to include support for importing SYSTAT .syz and .syzu files. Also corrects problems importing Microsoft Access and Excel Files when Office 2010 is installed on computers with 64-bit OS.
2. This is the final update to NCSS 2007.
Version: 07.1.20
Released: February 19, 2010
1. NCSS 2007 updated to correct a problem with the double dendrogram procedure. The output was incorrect when multiple missing values were present in the database.
Version: 07.1.19
Released: November 19, 2009
1. NCSS 2007 updated to correct minor issues. Some labels in the logistic regression output were incorrect.
Version: 07.1.18
Released: June 29, 2009
1. NCSS 2007 updated to correct a problem with Exponential Smoothing - Trend/Seasonal. The forecasting algorithm was not initializing correctly.
Version: 07.1.17
Released: June 10, 2009
1. NCSS 2007 updated to correct a problem with ridge regression. In rare cases the analysis resulted in slightly negative eigenvalues. These values are now correctly set to zero.
Version: 07.1.16
Released: April 8, 2009
1. NCSS 2007 updated to correct a problem with robust regression. The robust weights were not being calculated as stated in the documentation. A problem with the two-sided Z-value for the Wilcoxon signed rank test in the paired t-test was also corrected. The Z-value was being reset to 1.0 in some cases.
Version: 07.1.15
Released: January 9, 2009
1. NCSS 2007 updated to correct a problem with the Proportion Correct vs. Cutoff plot in logistic regression. The plot contained the sensitivity values instead of the proportion correct values.
Version: 07.1.14
Released: November 5, 2008
1. NCSS 2007 updated to correct a problem with the general curve fitting routine. The prediction equation for the logarithmic fit was not being displayed correctly.
Version: 07.1.13
Released: September 8, 2008
1. NCSS 2007 updated to correct a problem with Xbar R, Levey-Jennings, and Attribute charts. The X-axis labels were left out when plotting a chart with less than the full amount of available data. A problem exporting SAS data files was also corrected.
Version: 07.1.12
Released: August 25, 2008
1. NCSS 2007 updated to correct a problem with Xbar R, Levey-Jennings, and Attribute charts. The X-axis was not being drawn correctly when plotting a chart with less than the full amount of available data. A problem importing Excel 2007 files with multiple sheets and/or empty leading columns was also corrected.
Version: 07.1.11
Released: June 5, 2008
1. NCSS 2007 updated to correct a problem with the R & R Study routine. In some cases, the sigma multiplier was not being used correctly.
Version: 07.1.10
Released: May 22, 2008
1. NCSS 2007 updated to correct a problem in the Rose Plot routine that would not allow a data type of Time.
Version: 07.1.09
Released: April 18, 2008
1. NCSS 2007 updated to correct "subscript out of range" error in multiple regression with serial correlation when using categorical predictors.
Version: 07.1.08
Released: March 27, 2008
1. NCSS 2007 updated to correct problem when importing dates from very large databases.
Version: 07.1.07
Released: March 20, 2008
1. NCSS 2007 updated to correct overflow errors in Nonlinear Regression.
Version: 07.1.06
Released: February 11, 2008
1. NCSS 2007 updated to fix importing and exporting issues for newer SPSS and Excel data file formats. NCSS 2007 now imports the most recent file versions of all major statistical analysis programs.
Version: 07.1.05
Released: November 29, 2007
1. NCSS 2007 updated to fix a problem with the Two Correlated Proportions (McNemar) routine. The run button produced no output.
Version: 07.1.04
Released: November 14, 2007
1. NCSS 2007 updated to fix a problem in the X Bar chart routine. The rows skipped setting was not working properly.
Version: 07.1.03
Released: November 6, 2007
1. NCSS 2007 updated to fix a problem that was occurring when running multiple two-sample t-tests with minimum and maximum x-axis values specified for the probability plot.
2. November 5, 2007
NCSS 2007 (Version 0) updated to fix a problem that was occurring when running multiple two-sample t-tests with minimum and maximum x-axis values specified for the probability plot. This update also adds a new spreadsheet command to automatically resize all rows and columns to display the contents of each cell. The command is found in the Edit menu under 'Resize Rows and Columns'.
Version: 07.1.02
Released: October 24, 2007
1. Release of PASS 2008 and NCSS 2007/GESS 2006. These new versions separate NCSS/GESS and PASS into two programs that operate independently of one another. These new versions of NCSS and PASS allow the user to function in a limited user (XP) and standard user (Vista) environment without problems. The Settings, Data, Junk, Report, and Macros folders have been moved to your 'My Documents' folder into a subdirectory named 'NCSS'.
2. Both NCSS 2007 and PASS 2008 are fully compatible with Windows Vista.
3. PASS 2008 adds several new procedures and features to PASS, including new survival analysis tools, microarray gene expression comparison tools, an enhanced user interface, an improved PDF help system, and the ability to create macros, which add programmability and streamline repeated tasks.
4. PASS 2008 has been released before all procedures have been added so that users can immediately begin taking advantage of the new features offered by PASS 2008. Purchasers of PASS 2008 will receive many additional procedures as they become available during 2008 at no additional cost.
5. All templates from previous versions of PASS are fully compatible with PASS 2008.
6. The upgrade also includes an improved help system that consolidates the PDF documentation and the Help System. Adobe® Reader® Version 7 or later is required to use the new PASS Help System. You can download the latest version of Adobe® Reader® by clicking on the link below. The new help system is fully compatible with Windows Vista.
August 22, 2007
1. Some window positions were not set correctly.
August 20, 2007
1. The macro import function was not working properly for delimited ASCII files.
August 14, 2007
1. Minor corrections made in NCSS.
July 6, 2007
1. An improvement has been made to the NCSS & GESS Help Systems making it easier to print individual chapters from the documentation. NCSS 2007 now has the capability of launching individual chapter PDF files.
June 18, 2007
1. This release represents the final release of NCSS 2007. The update adds the following new procedures and features to NCSS 2007:
1. Mixed Models
2. Optimal Data Matching
3. Greedy Data Matching
4. Data Stratification
5. Improved NCSS Help System
GESS 2006 was also updated in this release to include a new help system.
User's who have already purchased a license to NCSS 2007 should download and install the update to add the new procedures and the new help system. There is no additional charge to add these new procedures if you already own an NCSS 2007 license. Your current NCSS 2007 serial number will automatically unlock these new procedures after you install the update.
The update also includes an improved help system that consolidates the PDF documentation and the Help System. Adobe Reader Version 7 or later is required to use the new NCSS Help System and the new GESS Help System. You can download the latest version of Adobe Reader by clicking on the link below. The new help system is fully compatible with Windows Vista.
April 20, 2007
1. The Kaplan-Meier procedure was calculating survival times incorrectly in some cases when an Entry Time variable was used.
March 30, 2007
1. The Multiple Regression routine was incorrectly limited to 192 independent variables.
March 16, 2007
1. Help file compatibility issue with Windows Vista fixed. You can now download a Windows Vista update from Microsoft to allow you to view the old help file.
February 22, 2007
1. Non-compatible spreadsheet operations (Find, Replace, Fill) were made compatible with Windows Vista. The SendKeys function is now compatible with Vista.
February 14, 2007
1. Icons modified for compatibility with Windows Vista. Subdirectories added to Settings directory.